Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How Do You Define ?Manliness??

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What is manliness? The tradition of virtue ethics, which is quintessentially expressed in the classical works of Aristotle, provides the basis for my understanding of manliness. I?m not saying manliness is universal or timeless in the sense of being always true in the same way, regardless of time and place; rather, manhood is relentlessly particular, and is always performed by men in particular ways and in certain places.

In some societies, masculinity is associated with the warrior culture: the greatest fighter is the greatest man. Of course, this idea of ??masculinity is especially unsuitable for peaceful times, so the warrior ideal has been mixed with other properties such as autonomy, the willingness to work hard, and providing for a family.

As a graduate student in theology and ethics, I have spent much time reflecting on the question of identity and the relationship between what we are and how we act. I have concluded that the best way to conceive of masculinity is the use of the ancient term eudaimonia, from classical virtue ethics.

The word ?virtue? itself comes from the Latin virtus, meaning strength masculinity or male. According to the tradition of virtue, being manly means living life so that one seeks to blossom as a man, and become what is good for a man.

Of course, there is no reason women can not follow the life of virtue! The main reason I call manhood eudaimonia is not because there is something in the life of virtue that is unattainable for women (which, incidentally, is what Aristotle actually says), but because men develop as male human beings.

Of course, women are totally capable of living virtuous lives! Virtue is not something that is specific only to men, nor is eudaimonia. Women are certainly full moral agents capable of exercising the virtue and vice, and obtaining the product excellence.

In Nicomachean Ethics, Book I, Aristotle defines eudaimonia as the activity of the soul (or rational activity) performed in accordance with virtue (Gk: arete, also translated as ?excellence?). The achievement of eudaimonia as a man means that you achieve the best traits of a male human and eliminate desires for things which prevent such achievement.

It is extremely important to emphasize the equality of women when it comes to the virtue of tradition, especially because the philosophers themselves have not always done that. For example, Aristotle wrote in his Politics that a woman has most of a man?s deliberative faculty, but without his authority.

I tend to talk about male spirituality and spirituality for men, not masculine spirituality. This is because everyone, both men and women, has traits that are associated with ?masculinity? and ?femininity? according to how our culture defines them. Thus, the identity of an individual?s gender is a mix of features variously understood, and not
something that is written in stone because of their chromosomal makeup.

Virtues, in short, are character traits that are beneficial to help a person achieve eudaimonia. The list of possible qualities is probably indefinite, despite the Augustinian-Thomist tradition?s tendency to use seven. These are the four cardinal virtues: prudence, temperance, justice and courage, and the three theological virtues: faith, hope and love. Aristotle?s list only includes the four cardinal virtues, of course.

The theological virtues come from scripture and Thomas Aquinas, who later systematized ethics and Christian theology. Even if you do not identify yourself as a Christian, the cardinal virtues are still a good place to start.

Manliness is not about a kind of strength or emotional disposition. It is not about being the great provider for one?s family. It is about striving for maturity in character and excellence in all things. As we grow in these things, so also we grow in manliness.

Want to find out more about manliness, then visit John Anderson?s site on describing what is manliness for your needs.

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